"Behold, children are a heritage frm the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

I love bringing forth children... and this is my journey in training them for the King

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Seeking Guidance, Praying for Direction... please join us

So once again, it appears the Lord is giving us an opportunity to "go out from your land and from your kindred and go into the land that I will show you." Only this time it's to Alaska. That's quite a journey!

We've been made aware that there is some doctrinal differences in the church we're being ask to go to, yet again. I'm not really sure why the Lord keeps putting us in these situations, but one thing is certain... He's consistant about it! We are, right now, diligently praying for Him to give us clear direction.

As I was reading this morning, I came to Acts chapter 7. "What does the stoning of Stephen have to do with us going to speak Truth, in the face of (what seems to be) opposition, to a church all the way in Alaska?" (You may be asking this, but I was asking God this, too, this morning.)

This is what He showed me through Stephen's speech to the high priest (in the face of opposition):

First of all, how many times did God send someone to proclaim a message that probably wouldn't be received?

Secondly, He is all-powerful! Many times He granted favor to the messenger with those in authority who, in OUR (limited) understanding, should have been completely stopped in their tracks before ever even getting the chance to proclaim the message God had given them.

God oftentimes takes the methods others use to oppose Him and His truth, turns it against them, and as a result brings glory to Himself and the name of Jesus!

  • He gave Joseph favor and wisdom with Pharoah, who, in turn, made him ruler over Egypt and over all his household!
  • He asked Moses to go back to his own people who had already rejected him, and ask the current Pharoah to release all their nation's slaves. You know he was thinking, "Really, God? There's no way Pharoah's going to let his slaves go free... and those people don't even LIKE me!"
  • Even after the Israelites were free from slavery in Egypt, they didn't listen to Moses. They "refused to obey him" and "thrust him aside" desiring to actually turn back to their state of slavery.
  • God sent Jesus into this world to save a people who, knowing beforehand, would reject His message, revile and persecute Him, even crucifying Him for it all... and this was GOD'S PEOPLE... they claimed to love God and the things pertaining to Him. It was a "new message" they were unwilling to accept!
Now, I don't want you to think I'm comparing Dwight or myself to any of the above mentioned people. What I think God is saying to me (to us) is to free my soul (my mind, will and emotions) from their limited understanding, and instead, be led by the Spirit He's made to dwell within me... TRUST just like David did when he fought Goliath, that even when the chances seem bleak, God is on my side... have FAITH just like Joshua did when he approached the 'indestructable' wall of Jericho with a plan that seemed silly, at best, to OBEY, without hesitation, without fear, without even a clear understanding of how it'll all work out!

If we face this opportunity with our Spirit leading the way, and allowing our soul and flesh to FOLLOW behind, we can know (with confidence) that whatever direction the Shephard says to go, we'll be following Him... whether that means move or stay! 

Please join us in praying diligently for the Lord's direction for our family...

Give us clarity and guidance, Lord, as we seek to do your will. We are humbled and honored that You find us worthy to be a part of Your great plan! Your Word says, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me." We trust Your plan to be the greatest one for our lives. *sigh* Quiet our souls, in this hour Lord, that we can clearly hear Your voice and follow You into all the world...


  1. I stand in agreement with your pray! Love you guys and would hate to see you leave...BUT would hate it more if you stayed and did NOT run after Christ!

    Listen for that still small voice and Chase PEACE ;)

    1. Thanks so much Katie! I know what you mean about hating to leave... I ADORE our Monday night group and some of the women I've met through TLHSG. Thank you for letting us join the family! We will definitely strive for peace, and even though we will seek to do all things in love, you and I both know that the Truth will divide at times. :) Thankful for your friendship and faithful prayers for our family!!!!
