"Behold, children are a heritage frm the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

I love bringing forth children... and this is my journey in training them for the King

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Change Has Come

Last Thursday I wrote a post titled A Change is Coming! Well, Friday evening the Lord brought about a change. Not the one I was expecting but a welcomed one nonetheless.

Allow me to rewind the story for a moment.

My husband had been called to fast for a period of time we weren't clear on. One of those 'just until I say it's been fulfilled' kind of things. We thought maybe it was until we got an offer on our house... perhaps God wanted sacrificial obedience before He was going to sell it? We didn't honestly know, but I am SO thankful my husband loves Christ enough to be willing to obey in such a capacity... What an example he is to me and our children!

Well, last Monday morning my sweet little Corbin told me that God asked him to fast for three days. I try not to minimize the Lord speaking to my children, but I also wanted to make sure he wasn't saying that just because Daddy was fasting. So Dwight and I talked to him about the purpose of fasting, the sacrifice it would take, and the importance of obedience until completion. He said he understood all of that and he still knew God wanted him to fast for three days. He even said he wasn't supposed to eat any food... just juice and water.

Monday evening, Dwight told me that just the night before he'd prayed for God to send him help... he was growing weary and needed some encouragement. So he believed God spoke to Corbin to bring about that help.

Three days came and went, and Corbin courageously obeyed and completed his fasting period. I was so encouraged by his sweet sacrificial obedience! At five years old, he has already fasted longer than I have in my lifetime. I am ashamed to admit this, but I say it to show just how amazing God is that he can affect the hearts of our children from such a young age if we foster that in them! I am extremely proud of Corbin!! :)

Friday evening, as I was returning to the MomHeart Conference from a dinner break, Dwight text me that he felt like God was releasing him from his fast. He was brought to a place where his perspective about the fast was realigned, and the worry and anxiety about what might happen to the house was lifted. The truth is, there is nothing that can happen to it that will affect our eternal destination if we are simply obeying the Lord's leading. What a freedom that brings to both of us!

For the sake of misrepresenting his revelation and feelings upon receiving it, I have decided, with his permission, to just repost his Facebook status from that evening...

"A while back God called me to do something and walk in obedience not knowing an end. That day has come to an end but not the way I thought it would. Today I felt a release from the burden God asked me to carry but the reason I share this is because of my 5-year old son. Monday morning he came to us and said God asked him to fast from food for 3 days. To our amazement, we explained what it was ...and he confidently said he would...because God told him to. His fast ended Thursday and I am proud to say he was faithfully obedient. But there is more! Today, my burden came to an end. You see, Jesus, the Son of God, was faithfully obedient during His 'burden' He carried and after the 3rd day, He conquered in order to fulfill my release through faith in Him. I was awestruck today with tears as we were praying as a family and God gave me this revelation...Corbin, my son, fasted those 3 days in faithful obedience, so that I could have my release. You see, my son was fasting for ME!!! I have no words to explain my emotions right now except to say I am just captivated, and overwhelmed by love!!"
So, no we haven't sold our house. We don't even have an offer on our house. But what we do have is far greater than that... we have a clear understanding of God's love for us through the sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus... we understand that our house has very little bearing on our walk with Christ... we are reminded, once again, how much bigger God is than our temporary circumstances, yet He has control over it all!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord says in his word, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it." — Mark 10:14-15 (NKJV)
    I praise the Lord for you sweet son Corbin! :)
