Well, I'm off to see my midwife today for the first time with this pregnancy. I'm excited to hear the beating heart of this life growing inside! We will all be going as a family... which I LOVE. :)
Tina delivered both Hayden and Elijah, but when we reminded the children last night that we were going to see her this morning, Corbin was the only one who remembered her. Wanting to make them a little more comfortable with her before hand, we got out the slideshow of Elijah's birth and played it. It's a twenty-minute DVD of pictures my sister-in-law, Melissa, took during the labor and delivery which she then put to the same music that was playing that evening. Needless to say, I LOVE this DVD! I love the memories it brings back... the reminder of my weakness but God's strength... the reminder of how quickly the pain and anguish cease when I finally hold that tiny baby in my arms... the joy in my heart (and on my face) when they said, "It's a boy!" Corbin was so thrilled to see the picture of himself and Daddy cutting Elijah's umbilical cord. *grin* Seeing those pictures helps me remember the people who were there to pray over me and support me... the conversations we had... the times when they held my hands (or arms) just to show they were sympathetic to me.
My children laughed and giggled at how much different they look now and how much they've grown... Hayden belly-lauged when she saw herself laying next to me in the bed with her shirt up showing off her 'baby' like Mommy was... they laughed at how big Mommy's belly was... how tiny Elijah was... they laughed at Mommy wearing Daddy's t-shirts and standing around in her panties, Lol!
Oh how I relish the memories of life and being able to have my children share in those same memories because they were there with me, to cheer me on. I am ALWAYS amazed at the beauty of God's creation, His imagination in making multiple children from the same two people and yet they are all so very different! Simply a miracle! It's the only word I can use right now to describe the creation, growth, nurture, and birth of chilren. Blessing for me would be a very close second! :)
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