"Behold, children are a heritage frm the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

I love bringing forth children... and this is my journey in training them for the King

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Storms of Life

I felt a connection to Peter this morning like I never have.

He's just been with Jesus, witnessed His miraculous faith and power as He once again took a small amount of food and fed four thousand. I've been there too... not feeding four thousand mouths, but experiencing His presence and provision in my life in a big way. And then what happens? I go on my way, and a storm starts forming. The clouds begin to darken, the wind's force gains strength, and before I know it, I'm in the middle of a raging sea, fighting the waves that just won't seem to relent. I'm tired. I'm weak. What I need most is a break, some rest for my weary soul; I need someone to step in and tag me out of this fight. And then He appears. "Is that really You? Have You come to help me?" Of course He has. He is a very present help in time of need!

Suddenly I feel courageous, bold, full of faith. His presence alone can give me an energy like nothing else. It's almost like He's filled my spiritual gas tank... I'm ready for the long-haul now. So I ask Him to do something that takes GREAT faith... something I didn't feel strong enough to endure before I felt His presence. "If that's really you, Lord, ask me to..."

You know He delights in showing Himself BIG in our lives! So, I step out of the boat of security... confident at first with my decision to leave the only thing keeping me afloat (or at least I think). And as I go, I grow closer and closer to my Lord. "Wow! What a rush this brings," I think. "This is amazing, God, I feel like I could take on the whole world right now!" (At this point, I'm sure the enemy is fuming and conspires to attack me in a new and clever way. He does NOT want me in this place, at this time!!)

Why do I have to look away? Why does the enemy have to be so good at distracting me? It's only when I loose my focus and take my eyes off of Him that I begin to doubt what's taking place. I know it disappoints Him when I do this time and again. But he doesn't let me drown.

Out of His compassionate mercy and grace, He reaches down to help me up.

I'm SO thankful He extends me grace time and again! In my head, I know that "His grace is sufficient for me, for His power is made perfect in my weakness." Sometimes it takes me falling on my face for this become a reality in my heart, though.

I heard someone say once, "If you're not going through a storm right now in life, you likely just came out of one or you're heading into one." I find this true, at least in my own life!

Regardless if you're at rock bottom right now, in the midst of a torrential downpour, or communing with the Father on the mountain top, rest assured, this life is temporary!

"For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."
- 2 Corinthians 4:17-18


  1. This life IS fleeting...but how wonderful that the Creator of the Universe LOVES us enough to be involved with us in the here and now!

    Thankful for the hand that pulls us out of the crashing waves to walk in Peace!

  2. And I praise Him daily for His never ending grace and peace!
