"Behold, children are a heritage frm the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

I love bringing forth children... and this is my journey in training them for the King

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Princess

Today is my sweet Hayden's 3rd birthday. I sat this morning thanking the Lord for giving me such a precious and joyful baby girl this day three years ago! What a blessing Hayden has been to our family!! She was happy and smiling even as a baby. She rarely cried unless she was hungry, dirty, or beyond sleepy. I affectionately called her "my joyful" when she was a baby. :) I jokingly said we should've made her middle name Joy instead of Grace.

In great Hayden fashion, my princess slept in until 8:30 this morning and then requested pink and purple homemade donuts with sprinkles for her birthday breakfast. :)

(Please don't judge the look of the homemade donuts... I promise, they tasted way better than they looked! And the pink and purple food spray didn't turn out quite like I'd hoped. :-/)

(I asked Hayden to say "happy" and this is what I got. Honestly, it's more like her normal picture cheese anyway. Lol! Gotta love that girl...)

(I had intended to finish this quilt for Hayden for Christmas, but I didn't. It's complete now though, and I think it'll make a great birthday gift! I'm sure she'll love it... simply because it's pink!!)

I could go on and on about all the things I love about her and how I want so many wonderful blessings for her! I'm sure most mommies have tremendous love and aspirations for their children. Truth is my greatest desire for her is to know and love Jesus more than any other man that she will ever meet; to look to Him alone for all her emotional and spiritual fulfillment; to allow Him to shape her view of herself. I pray she will learn how to rely on Him for these things from an early age and not waste many years looking in all the wrong places like her mommy did! Jesus loves her more than I ever could. I pray I can teach and show her that starting now!

Happy Birthday Princess... I'm so thankful Jesus gave me such a precious gift!!


  1. Happy Birthday, daughter of the Most High King!!! She is beautiful and the quilt is too. Have fun celebrating. I too, should've made Kate's middle name JOY as well!! Love me some sweet baby girls!!

  2. YEA! Happy Late Birthday, sweet girl! I love the quilt you finished for her...it will be special to her always.
