"Behold, children are a heritage frm the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

I love bringing forth children... and this is my journey in training them for the King

Friday, January 13, 2012

Training Our Children with 'Life Lessons'

I LOVE when the house is clean!!! I love when things are organized and easy to find. Everything should have a home, and I feel so much better when it's all in its proper place.

Yesterday the children and I spent most of the day tackling our rooms, the clutter that was encroaching our personal space since the holidays, and defeating the dreaded laundry monster that haunts me when I've had the 'I don't feel like it' syndrome for a few days. That doesn't sound like it should've taken that long when I type it all out... but believe me, I wasn't finished until Dwight called to say he was on his way home, and it was time to start making dinner!

I was so proud of my little three and five year olds! They LOVE to clean... no joke... they really do. Give them a swiffer duster and a list to accomplish, and it's like watching ants get to work on a monumental task. I can't help but smile when they are so eager to make my load easier! They made their beds (not perfectly, but very well for their age... practice makes perfect, though, right?), dusted their bookshelf, picked up their room, and then moved on to our bathroom. They cleaned the toilet, sink, counter, bathtub (somewhat), took the trash out, and replaced the trash bag.

I finished what they left behind, cleaned the floors, and cleared away all the clutter that had collected on my dresser. They later helped me fold and put away four loads of laundry. They love to put the hangers on their clothes!

They love to help me clean, and I love it when everything is clean. So why do I wait so long to get things in order this way?? I hate it when I do that! So, I have resolved that today I will make a chore chart for all of us. Something easily attainable for them, and a reminder to keep our home in working order. I'm thinking about letting them put stickers next to the completed chore if they can do it without whining. If they can get stickers for the whole week, I'm thinking of rewarding them with something fun to do either as a family or something they can do alone (i.e. pick their favorite evening meal and help prepare it, go to the library, watch a special movie, etc.).

We don't just teach our children reading, math, and science. We should also be teaching them, responsibility, self-discipline, obeying instruction, and keeping a home (for our daughters especially). What are some ideas you have for involving your children to keep your household running smoothly? How do you use those 'life lessons' to relate to your children in a Biblical sense?

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."
 1 Corinthians 15:58

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! It is SO true that we are teaching our children so much more than "school".

    My "words of advice" keep it fun...My kids STILL love to help clean ;)
