"Behold, children are a heritage frm the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

I love bringing forth children... and this is my journey in training them for the King

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Closing This Chapter of our Life

For those of you who don't know, we own a home... but we don't live there. The Lord asked us to leave our home in Forney, TX in November of 2009. After prayer and much fear of taking the first step, we sold many of our earthly treasures, packed up what was left along with our two children (at the time) and moved to Pennsylvania.

We knew the Lord said He would take care of the house, but in our limited understanding of His ways, we immediately assumed that meant it would sell. However, after a month of absolutely NO interest whatsoever, not even on the internet, we thought God might've had a different plan... so we went back to ask Him.

We felt the Lord leading us to try to rent it out using a leasing agency who would handle everything from finding the renter to repairs and random home inspections. Within a week of going this route we had three appointments to show our house, and one of the three quickly signed a two-year lease.

That lease is coming to an end in about a month... and then what?

Honestly, our desire is to sell the home and cut all ties to it. It has been like a dark cloud looming over us for the past two years. It reminds us of a time when we weren't really seeking the Lord, but the world. It was a time when family time suffered to pursue earthly treasures. We are thankful God's grace drew us out of that mire into the light of His Word. We have been so blessed by living more on faith an serving others than paychecks and shopping trips since leaving that season of our life.

OUR desire is to end that chapter of our life! But what is the Lord's desire for that house? That is the most important question. Is His will that it sells? Are we ready to move on to new adventures... in new places? Does He want us to rent it out again to someone who needs a place to stay? Or (and this would be my least favorite option... but like I said, HIS will is most important) is His will that we moved back in there, rent out the entire upstairs (which is the only way we could afford to do so) and love on, serve, and disciple strangers out of our own home? Perhaps He wants something entirely different than any of these choices...

But, we're praying! And praying... and praying... and, well you get the idea. Our deepest desire is to stay on the Lord's path. It's easy to carve out our own way, to run ahead of him, or even to lag behind because we're afraid of what He's asking us to do. We've been in all of these scenarios, but we've learned that it is most rewarding and joyful to walk WITH Jesus!

Please pray with us that that is exactly where we will stay, and we'll be willing to joyfully choose His will for this house. We feel a peace about putting it up for sale right now. So, as of January 1st, it's officially on the market. We will see what the Lord does between now and mid-March. Here is the link to see our house: www.127stone.info If you know someone looking to move to the Forney area, please feel free to pass along the web address.

It's all in Your hands, Lord. I know Your will is the best one for us. We desire to obey, even if it's hard. Thank you that You remain in control of our circumstances... thank you that You already have it all worked out!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your posts! I will post the link on my FB page. I'm glad to know a family who is striving to walk WITH Jesus.
