"Behold, children are a heritage frm the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

I love bringing forth children... and this is my journey in training them for the King

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Visiting the Forney House and Maternity Shopping with Littles

Yesterday the children and I headed to Forney early in the morning. The buyer's inspection was taking place so we had to have the utilities turned on for it, and apparently someone has to be present to let the techs in for various reasons.

The children were super excited to go to the "Forney House" since neither of them really remembered what it looked like! Their energy and excitement about drove me crazy, but it is what it is... you know? Lol! My mom came to meet me when she got off work, and we planned to go to the maternity store at the mall when we were finished.

As it turns out, we waited around for the gas man until noon for no reason because the gas was already on, but on the bright side, we don't have to pay the full reconnect fee. Praise the Lord!!

So off to the mall we went...

I quickly learned that Corbin isn't a shopper, Hayden can say the most inappropriate things when you are shopping because she doesn't realize those things might embarrass her mother, and Elijah just doesn't like to sit in the stroller. We don't go shopping much so, yes, it's taken me this long to figure all this out. :)

We were in Motherhood all of about 10 minutes (our very first store, mind you) when Corbin begins loudly saying, "Mommy, please don't go take all your clothes off to try that on! I'm ready to go..." Then Hayden busts out equally as loud, "Mommy! You need these panties (maternity panties) because they are SO much looonnnnnggger..." Let me just say that I am thoroughly glad the only lady in that store other than my mom, at the time, was the employee. Luckily, she thought it was cute and just laughed. All the while, Elijah is very unhappy to be in his stroller so Mom rolled him into the dressing room with me. The only problem with that is that they have curtains rather than a door and he continued to pull them aside so he could also see Mimi. Lol! I'm laughing rethinking all these events (although I don't recall laughing at the time). You're probably laughing too... especially if you've ever taken little ones shopping with you!

Before we could get to the check-out counter, Corbin was pleading to leave the "panty store" and Hayden had commenced to see just how the nursing pads fit her.

All this to say, after Mom was finished in JCPenny, I was ready to leave the mall with only two stores under our belt. My children needed a nap and I was ready to take advantage of the hour drive home. Lol!

Whew! What a day... fabulous memories made, though. :)


  1. HAHAHAHAHAH! The girls and I are rolling! :) Thanks for sharing and making us giggle! :) I so absolutely love your kids! Next time you and your mom want to go shopping the girls and I would love to babysit! :) For reals! Love you!

  2. Haha! Glad my children could make you all laugh for today! I will certainly keep you ladies in mind the next time I get a wild idea to go shopping... :)
