"Behold, children are a heritage frm the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

I love bringing forth children... and this is my journey in training them for the King

Friday, March 2, 2012

Forney House Update...

What a journey it has been up to this point, but we have finally agreed on a sales price with a buyer for our house in Forney! We should be receiving "official contract" paperwork today to be signed... yay! :)

We are at the tale-end of three months with it on the market, and while we thought we would just prayerfully wait on a buyer, the Lord had a different plan for us. I'm not really sure why I am continually surpirsed that the Lord shows up big in the final hour, but time and again, this seems to be the case for us.

Through waiting, praying, listening, fasting, praying, waiting, and praying... and waiting... and praying (you getting the picture?), God had to bring us to a place where we were content with letting this house go and not taking much away from it, financially speaking. This is fitting considering we convinced ourselves that this house would be a "great investment and allow us to someday sell it, profitting more from this property than we did the last." Apparently that was part of the justification we used to disobey what God really wanted for us.

I admit, God moved us to a better place (spiritually) while we were in Forney! It was a needed transition. We got back involved in a church body after years of being 'homeless', gained much-needed fellowship (outside the church walls), developed a hunger for the Word and His Truth, and made WONDERFUL friendships who, through their growth in the Lord as well, have been faithful to love and cover us in their prayers (Thanks guys! We cherish your friendship and brotherhood more than you know!!)

However, this house was, deep down, a desire for more things 'worldly'... a bigger house, more pristine neighborhood, etc. Oh the joys of chasing the Joneses!! (I hope you can sense my sarcasm.) The pursuit, we found, is exhausting, never-ending, and not as fulfilling as we expected it to be! We chose to sacrifice precious time together as a family so Dwight could work long hours to provide us with this luxury. Praise the Lord, He spoke loudly to our heart-needs! We are forever grateful for His wisdom and pursuit of our attention.

The same day our two-year contract ended with our tenants, some very special friends stopped by the house to lay hands on it, praying for God's miracle to take place. He apparently found them faithful, and in His perfect timing, already had this buyer on his way over to view the house for a second time. That evening he submitted his offer.

Now, about six weeks ago, some buyers submitted an offer pretty comparable to this guy's, but we were not in a content place, spiritually, to accept it. So our gracious Father had to take us on a journey of 'letting go' so we could get to that place. LOL! I can laugh now... but trust me, it didn't always feel like a laughable moment getting there. Faithful obedience isn't always fun, but the joy it reaps on the other side is beyond comparison!

And just when I think we've learned that lesson, God gives us another opportunity to walk in it with confidence in Him... (spoiler) We don't always pass the test the first time around! Living out our faith has been an amazing journey. One of growth, and stretching, and pain, and joy... of abundant adventure, and letting go of ourselves for the sake of Christ... But more than anything? It's one I wouldn't trade for all the things this world can offer us!

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