Cause you see, this wasn't a vehicle collision. This was a collision with the Way (Were we living the way the Lord wanted us to be?), the Truth (What did God's Word have to say about it?), and the Life (How would this new revelation change the way we lived our daily lives?).
Dwight never did enjoy reading, even his bible. So you can imagine my shock when he began to read it night after night until the wee hours of the morning. He was researching some things he thought were biblical but wasn't certain since he couldn't recall the reference. What he actually found, though, was that he began to LOVE to read God's Word. It was like food for his soul. He craved it! He began reading it out loud, over me, over our children, doing bible studies as often as he possibly could with whoever would join him.
And as a result, the Lord has changed his heart completely about what it really means to follow Jesus. I think of my sweet husband when I read Ephesians 5:26 "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church...that he might sanctify her by the washing of water with the word...". I have to confess that sometimes he wants to wash the Word over me when I'm preoccupied and it can frustrate me if I focus on myself. *embarrased* Then I recall the times early in our marriage when I prayed that God would make him want to read the bible and pray with me. Humbly, I realize just how blessed I truly am!!
Dwight also loves to read the Word over our children and pray with them. I would say his biggest exhortation to anyone desiring to follow Jesus is 'Get in the Word...STAY in the Word!' He considers himself a slave to Jesus and desires to live wholeheartedly surrendered to Christ daily. He has a huge burden not only for the lost, but also for those who regularly attend church but are being deceived by the enemy about the Truth. He is a hard worker, wonderful husband and father and thoroughly enjoys serving others (especially when he gets nothing in return).
The Father always knows what's best for His children. So while Dwight may not be perfect, he's perfect for ME and I'm so thankful I get to be his helpmate! :-D

Beautiful words about your husband! :)