"Behold, children are a heritage frm the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

I love bringing forth children... and this is my journey in training them for the King

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dr. Fus

I once knew this guy, when I was in High School, who referred to himself as "Dr. Fus". He was a pretty nice, good-looking guy, but mostly he liked helping people by giving them good advice.

Well, I haven't heard from him too much since I graduated, but this morning he showed up at my house out of nowhere, scooped up my two older children to go to work with him, and left me a hand-written prescription for a candle-lit bubble bath, as much sleep as I can get, and lots of time alone in God's Word.

So, as it turns out... Dwight's not only a wonderful husband, he makes a pretty great "doctor" too!! :)

I am abundantly thankful for his partnership in life and sensitivity to this extremely hormonal pregnant Momma...