My children are 5, 3, and 20 months. There are bound to be a myriad of interuptions as I go from task to task! I am needed at every turn... beginning from the very first person awake.
"Can I please have some milk, Mommy?"... "I'm hungry, what are we going to eat for breakfast?"... "Babe, do you know where my work pants are?"... (Baby talking) "Poo Poo!"- (translation: diaper change)... "Mommy, look at these 'pity' flowers I pick for you! Can you get them a 'nink' of water... in a jar?"... "Mommy, can you help me on this word? I don't know what it is."...
And the list goes on and on and on throughout the day!
I am CONSTANTLY needed by my husband and children. But the truth is, that is the role the Lord has given me! Can I serve my family with the heart of a true leader?
"Jesus called them to him and said, 'You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." - Matthew 20:25-28 (emphasis mine)What Jesus was trying to say to his disciples is that the position of 'servant' isn't what they had always known. In light of the Kingdom of God, being a servant brought about high honor! Jesus left his royalty and riches in Heaven so he could be born into poverty, choosing to come to earth to serve others... not use His position of authority (in Heaven) to rule over us. He chose to serve others around Him so we can have an example of 'servant leader'. He kept His mind on the eternal, knowing after His time on earth was complete, He would be exalted to the right hand of the Father!
I remember a quote in Remember The Titans that said "Attitude reflects leadership". Can my attitude of leadership be reflective of Christ's today as I seek to give my family a visible, tangible example of what it means to serve others with joy? Can I set aside my earthly desires and keep my eyes on eternity, knowing my choice to serve them now will bring my Father pleasure? That is my prayer for today!
Father, I pray you would set a guard over my lips today as I speak to my family and minister to their heart needs. Help me to speak words of life and not death. Help me to be mindful of how Jesus served others with joy and humility... choosing to put the needs of others before His own. I need an extra dose of the Holy Spirit's power today. I can do nothing apart from you and the guidance Your Spirit brings me!! Amen
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