"Behold, children are a heritage frm the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

I love bringing forth children... and this is my journey in training them for the King

Friday, January 6, 2012

Benefits of Bearing Children

Today I'd like to share a little bit from a book I'm studying, "Be Fruitful & Multiply" by Nancy Campbell. Nancy founded Above Rubies ministry 30+ years ago and is the editress of their free publication, Above Rubies Magazine.

In chapter 6 entitled "Build The Home and Leave A Legacy", Nancy gives these spiritual and practical benefits of bearing children. I LOVE what she writes... so I just had to share them with you.

"To bear children ensures that your name continues.

To bear and raise godly children is to build a home that will affect the destiny of the nation.

To raise godly children is to leave a legacy for future generations. The legacy of homes, land, and wealth is great, but these can be destroyed and vanish away. The legacy of children will last through the generations.

To bear children is to lay up treasure in Heaven. God is not only interested in populating earth, but in populating eternity. Parenthood has eternal rewards. It is not something that fades away. It lasts into the generations to come and also eternity. We need to guard ourselves from the trends of our day that lure our attention to "things" that will not last and pull us away from the tasks that are lasting, such as raising children."

I'm sure we all know these things in our head, but it's great to have periodic reminders for our hearts! If you're not familiar with Nancy or her ministry, you can check them out at here.


  1. I'm sorry.....I can't even read this post because I know we are to have more and I ruined that (aside from a miracle) so...much love to you...I'm sure it's a great post and sorry to skip over it....I did read the first two sentences!! :)

  2. Oh sweet, sweet Jennifer... *sigh* Thank you for your transparency! I won't pretend to know your story. It wouldn't matter anyway, because the Lord does know your story! I am confident He doesn't desire for you to sit in condemnation, though. Yes that book has much to do with increasing in offspring. However, what she says also thoroughly applies to how you bear (bring up, train) the children you DO have. I will be praying for you to lay hold of what the Lord has for your family right now and in the future and not be so burdened by your past choices! You are blessed and I love you... sincerely, I do. :)

  3. I love you two!!! Blessing and more blessing to both of you as you build each other up in the Lord! Such sweet compassion ;)
